You’ve decluttered, you’ve packed, and now it’s moving day! Here are three things to keep in mind to make the day go smoothly.

1: Priorities

The top two things you want on the day of your move are: something to eat, and somewhere to sleep by the end of the day.

Something to eat: Make a food plan for the day of. Do you want to cook the first night in your new kitchen? Do you want to order pizza and relax at the end of the day? There’s no wrong answer, just make sure that you know what your plan is before the day comes, so you’re not scrambling to figure out what’s for dinner.

Somewhere to sleep: Plan in advance to get your bed set up and made by the end of the day. Moving is stressful, and a good night’s rest at the end of your move day is a great gift you can give yourself.

2: Last-minute packing

On the day of your move, you’ll still have a few things you need to pack, like:



-Phone chargers

Make sure you take the time to put them all where they need to go, so you can get to them easily. The last things you’ll take with you are probably the first things you’ll need when you get there, so make sure they’re close by.

3: The walkthrough

There’s nothing more annoying than getting to your new place and realizing you left your microwave behind! Make sure you do a final walkthrough with your movers before you head out, to make sure nothing is left behind.

This is a moment to slow down and take a breath before you get on the road. Check each room, opening all cabinet doors. You may want to make a checklist, so you can cross off each room as you go.

When you’re done, grab everything you found on your walkthrough and hit the road—and don’t forget your keys!

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